savannah conley
Coming off of her 2021 EP Surprise, Surprise – Best I Can might be singer-songwriter Savannah Conley’s best work yet. Equal parts heartbreaking and witty, Conley has a knack for writing self-deprecating, tragicomic songs that embody the mixed emotions that can come from the end of a relationship. This has always been Conley’s strength as an artist, to not shy away from the vulnerability it takes to be one. And on this EP, she puts her vulnerability on full display, taking it to new territories as well.
Listen to the Best I Can EP HERE.
The tracks off the Best I Can EP seem to be a bit more alternative than your previous work - was that intentional?
Nope! That's always been a side of my music, and most of my inspirations come more from that world. But, honestly genre doesn't play a part in the writing or recording process at all for me. It's always whatever serves the song best, and this time I happened to be working with producers whose tastes skewed more in one direction, and it suited the songs. So, it all lined up.
The title track "Best I Can" is a bit tragicomic. What was the inspiration behind this one?
Unfortunately, I think almost everything I do is accidentally tragicomic. This one came out of relationships that both my co-writer Hank and I had had that left us with our hands up like 'welp..that's all I got'.
There are lots of specific tongue-in-cheek lines in "Always Gonna Happen" - are the lyrics based on personal experiences?
Completely. Some names are changed, but all of it is real.
"Oh New York" is so relatable - encapsulating the way a lot of us feel at the end of a relationship perfectly. Were you in New York when you wrote this song?
No, an ex of mine moved to New York, and at the time of writing the song I was both heart-broken and overjoyed.
I feel like this EP would make a perfect soundtrack to a coming of age film with heartbreak and humor. We've seen recently what a sync placement can do for a song with Kate Bush & Stranger Things. If your music could soundtrack any film or series, what would you choose?
Oh wow! I really love that show 'Sex Education' and the soundrack is always really fun. If we're talking about old movies and shows, honestly I would have loved to be placed in like 'Vampire Diaries' or something haha. And along with everyone else, 'Garden State'. Wait, I changed my answer. I want to cameo in Game of Thrones like Ed Sheeran and sing a medieval lullabye.
You've played several live shows this year already - what has the crowd response been to the new music?
Better than I could have hoped! People have been really supportive, and it's so fun to play with my band.
What is your favorite memory from the tour so far?
Our New York show at Mercury Lounge was really special to me as far as shows go. But, we have a pre-show ritual that accidentally got started where we sing the national anthem for absolutely no reason in like six part harmony, and it makes us laugh so hard every night. Also, my drummer's gas station dancing.
There's so much great music being released now that the world is healing from the pandemic - what are you currently listening to?
I have been driving everyone crazy listening to the same albums over and over again, 'True Love' by Hovvdy and 'Absolutely' by Dijon.
What can we expect from you for the rest of this year?
Lots of new music! Lots of touring!!